Our Story

our story



JUST FOR ADAM – came into existence over a cup of hot coffee – discussing gift item for a dear friend. The search
began and lasted for 3 -4 days – searching for the right product – over ONLINE STORES / BRICK & MORTAR stores.
The resultant was not upto our expectation – it was quite frustrating.

That frustration lit the bulb.

Having an existing 13 years running business of Bespoke Genuine Leather Furniture Designing and Manufacturing
 under the name – THESIS. Gave us the inspiration and adrenal kick of coming up with an Exclusive
Genuine Leather Product Line and Accessories store dedicated to all Adams.
Our exhaustive and extensive knowledge of Leather, backed with Skilled Workforce gave us the
perfect mix of the right recipe for filling the void, in MEN’s Genuine Leather product line.
Our passion for leather, love for designing and live the life approach will surely build our new venture and name
on grit rather than glamour. No big expensive marketing campaigns. No trendy models showcasing our products.
Just and honest – word of mouth approach – that people could trust.

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